Sunday, March 16, 2008

Why Wikis Will Webowate the Power of Wode Wide Webowution

Non-violent, non-controversial world's commonest revolutions, incorporated, some time ago began to develop an organizational scheme for mediating the production and propagation of ideological superstuctures coordinating the efforts of private individuals and enterprizes to establish a global community of cooperative humanity. N-vn-cwcr,inc.'s think tank, the Center for Mythological Studies in Business and Ecologistics, proposed the formation of a Peripheral Intelligence Agency (PIA). Rather than gather infomation in a central place for analysis and presentation to the elite decision makers of a bureaucratic hierarchy, the PIA would gather and distribute intelligence holographically and simultaneously through a network of co-equally independently operating agents openly mutually informed. The focus of PIA intelligence gathering and breifing activities would be provided by Peripheral Reasearch Organization Joint Editorial and Collection Teams (PROJECTs). The original plan, in those days before the advent of the internet, was to coordinate the PROJECTs through local and network broadcast television programs.
The TV thing always seemed to smack of hierarchical centralizaton and so the PROJECTS
never really got off the ground. Now there's wikis and the world wide web, and sooner or later PROJECTs will be seen self-organizing within a PIA, non-violently and non-controversially realizing the world they share in common.
Where do libraries fit in? They are part of the Peripheral Intelligence Agency's Managerial, Accounting and Technical Expertise Resource (PIA MATER).

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